4NG is pleased to announce the release of SMARTset v3.3.2
- SMARTset now features a full, bi-directional integration with PagerDuty. This allows full control of configured alarms from within the PagerDuty workflow and notification system.
- SMARTset has added support for Alarm Distribution via Telegram. For more information about setting up a Telegram Bot, see their website https://core.telegram.org/bots.
- SMARTset authentication now supports for OAuth2 using providers including Facebook and Google along with number of other popular variants. This is in addition to the standard authentication mechanisms: Username/Password, LDAP, ADFS, SAML.

Major New Features
- SMARTset has added Oracle to the list of supported database platforms, joining MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, H2 and MS SQL Server.
- Alarms raised by SMARTset have a number of new configurable features. Firstly they can be set to auto close when a condition is resolved, and secondly they can be set to periodically re-send notifications if a longer term condition is detected. This is in addition to the standard escalation process already built into SMARTset.
- A new Multi State transducer value type has been created, bridging the gap between analogue and digital transducers. This new type setting allows a transducer to be in 1 of a number of discrete states: For example On, Off, Standby or Hibernate.
General Updates
- The system help mechanism has been given an overhaul and a new Search feature has been added.
- MQTT Data Collectors now support SSL connections as well as standard TCP.
- The system allows for a single SMTP definition for use by email reports rather than having to specify the endpoint configuration for each.
- More diagnostics capabilities are available for Modbus and Networking allowing users to test outbound connections from SMARTset.
- Dashboard widget updates.
- A system library refresh has taken place updating a number of the core external libraries used by SMARTset.
- Overall the release consists of 129 new updates consisting of 75 new features and another 54 general updates.
We work directly with OEM’s to build connected versions of their products to enhance their customer proposition. We also work with a global network of resellers who add value and new solutions to the SMARTset range. Whether you’re an OEM or reseller, if you’d like to know more, please give us a call.