I’m very pleased to announce the release into production of SMARTset v2.3.1.

92 improvements and features with the most notable being;

  • SMARTstation: Power quality and calibrationsmartstation
  • Widgets: Improved Gauge now shows multiple subsidiary value, Rich-Text display shows script in the Dashboard, new Clock widget, new Bullet chart
  • Dashboards: A new layout mode that scales the widgets as the browser window changes
  • Monitoring: Improved responsiveness of underlying monitoring scheme, support for ASCII Modbus payloads (Autometers)
  • Administration: Full support for SQLserver
  • Control: Virtual Transducers now support ‘outputs’ – allows for multiple conditioned based output from a single user action
  • Nlyte: Upgrade to latest version incorporating the new Alarms

Thanks go to the Software, Sys Admin, Documentation and QA teams for all their hard work.

Next release will be at the end of December and will be a maintenance release

minibmsgauges powerquality