As used by UK Power Networks
Key Features
- Unlimited control modes (SOC, Voltage Regulation, Frequency Response, Peak Shaving etc.), all of which can be scheduled, triggered or manually managed
- Arbitration between modes based on any criteria
- Real-time behavioural alarms to indicate impending issues
- Values and schedules computed on a per second basis
- Controls can use weather (current and predicted) to tune performance
- Real-time reporting of KPI metrics – running costs, savings, RIO etc.
- Firm Frequency Response (>0.02% accuracy), 1 second response time
- Localised offline control – automatic DSR participation
- Local storage and aggregation – second by second energy measurement
- Participation with VPP and DNO via standard protocols (2016/17 roadmap)
- Flexible configuration – multi-device control and monitoring of existing meters